Wednesday 22 July 2015

Watering is still our main job

We arrived at the garden this week just after a heavy shower, but we spent most of our efforts on watering once again. Happily, the padlock which allows access to the water tap is now easy to manage, after the generous application of WD40!

Looking around the garden this week, we noted that....

Sweetcorn is doing well

Courgettes do not hang around for long before being picked

Similarly, all the globe artickokes have been harvested.

The lemon balm is now in full flower.  A delicious tea can be made from the leaves of this plant, but the flowers are also very important for bees. Its binomial name, Melissa officinalis, comes from the greek word for honey bee, and it is a good source of nectar, blooming for 45 - 60 days, and continuously producing nectar throughout the day.

Lemon balm is a tough herb which seeds around easily

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